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Tuesday, October 28, 2014

What are we learning?

In the history of the world, we are learning how Hitler took over Germany and the effects of his rule.  First, the Reichstag was secretly burned down by the Nazis. All opposition (communists, socialists, democrats) is arrested and sent away (Dachau).  Then Chancellor (President) von Hindenburg dies and the Vice Chancellor, Hitler becomes the new Chancellor...and he declares himself "Fuhrer" (Absolute Rule or Father).  The German people do not complain because he has fulfilled his promises of getting rid of all elements of the embarrassing Treaty of Versailles and putting the Germans back to work.

The Reichstag burns
~In 1935 The Nuremberg Laws are passed which makes all Jews non-citizens, or "not people".  They now have no rights under German law.  Many Jews with money or friends in other countries leave (Albert Einstein).  Most Jews are not able to leave for lack of money. 

~In 1936, the capital Berlin is the site of the Olympic Games.  This is supposed to be the Nazis time to shine and show the world that the "Aryan Race" is master race.  The germane do well at the Olympics winning the most medals.  The thing most visitors remember is a Black man from America, Jesse Owens, winning four gold medals. No athlete has ever accomplished this in history!
Jesse Owens destroy the"Aryan" myth

German bench which reads: No Jews allowed

 ~In 1937 and 1938, the Germans take Austria and Czechoslovakia.   The Germans sit back and wait to see if the Allies will react.  They do not, they believe that Hitler finally has what he wants and he will be satisfied.
Germans in the Sudetenland welcome the German soldiers

Swim America Fun