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Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Book of the Month, Response, Pizza & Former Apes

Early Morning
~Many students are coming in early to read the blog and take AR Tests. This is awesome because it gives us more time for fun reading in class.

Karson takes an AR Test

Matilda and Nick go to their favorite sites

~ Today we worked on non-fiction pieces from our Blast Off. The Apes did awesome. It was great to see them going back to the text to retrieve information.
Billy and Reese

Andrew is flipping back to double check

Here you can see Rashod, Lauren and Nat thinking

This is what great test taking looks like!

~We enjoyed the Book of the Month today! It was really interesting to see how they installed maps as well as history into these family treasures.
Octavia and Ashely display our Book of the Month and our latest Response

Former APES Alex and Greg stop by to do community service as part of their school work!

~Wow were there a lot of Apes at Cici's! I saw Savanna, Karson, Madison, Rashod, Evan, Lauren, Chessa, and Dylan! If I missed your name I'm sorry! Mrs. Peck was there, as well as all three of our Homeroom Mothers, Mrs. Walker, Mrs. Wood, and Mrs. Zinn. I also counted about 10 former Apes, Gabrielle, Jason, Abrianna, Madison Lewis, Arturo, Danielle, Allysa, and Mackenzie Combs among others! The Apes truly rock! We've had enough pizza! If we don't win, who cares, we raised A LOT of money for OUR school, and got to spend an evening together. Beauclerc is an awesome school which is evident from how many teachers and students showed up tonight! I thank G_d every day that I get to come to Beauclerc and teach.
Who is that with Woody?

Karson and Gracie

Our favorite third grade teacher

Mrs. Reagan

Rashod chows down!

Evan comes to Cici's again!

A Future Ape (Wade)

Former Ape Jason

Former Apes Gabrielle (Superstar!) and Allysa (I always called her Anna)

The Zinns - current and former Apes

Mrs. Peck and Savanna (Did she eat pickle pizza?)

Ms. Ellsworth (Beauclerc's gardener)

Woody and her Mom
Sorry, I didn't get your picture Lauren

Swim America Fun