Nice always matters!!!!!...... STAR Students are Cam and Ms. Z!!!!!
School begins promptly at 8:30... Do not forget your mask!!!!!... DO not forget to join PTA!!!!!!

Monday, August 18, 2008

First Day

Well...our first day is done, only 179 more to go. We covered our rituals and routines for Reader's Workshop, and we chose our first Independent reading book. Tomorrow we will begin working from the text book, as well as our first class novel, Maniac Magee. Maniac Magee was written by Jerry Spinelli, and he is our author study for the year, and will help us meet part of the Reading Standards.

We will begin our first writing pieces on Tuesday!

Hopefully you noticed the yellow form inside your child's planner. This form is to be signed every night indicating that your chld has read for 30 minutes. I prefer that they read the independent reading book they chose in class, but any literature will be sufficient.

Please turn in all forms from the folder that came home as soon as possible. You will be receiving a call from me over the next few days to make sure that the phone numbers are correct.

Here are some pictures from our first day: (notice the smiles)

Swim America Fun