Wednesday, November 19, 2008
We have begun!
Today we learned from Chapters 1 and 2 that simple things like running on the street are no longer allowed, as it may raise suspicion. We also learned that the girls fear the soldiers. Most goods such as sugar, butter, and coffee are being stolen by the Germans and shipped back to Germany. We also learned that the King of Denmark shows how brave and proud the Danish people are, and we met Annemarie's dead sister's boyfriend Peter.
On the map below you can see how close Denmark is to Sweden and Germany(Denmark is in white).
I got a chance today to relax a bit after going to the doctor. Francie and Thelma enjoyed being outside a lot! They are usually locked inside during the day.
I finally got a chance to watch the World War II videos that Mrs. Pickle gave me for my birthday. THEY ARE GOOD!
It's usually about this time of year that a group of Canadian geese come to my backyard every year. I think they have been here for about two weeks but I have not been home to see them. I fed them some bread and Frito's! They seemed content and hung around all day near the shore of Lake Gibbo.
this is an actual boat used to smuggle Jews across the Kattegat ~How did the majority of Jews in Denmark escape to Sweden? The Jews were smu...
~We finally met the boy in the striped pajamas from The Boy in the Striped Pajamas . His name is Shmuel (pronounced shmoo-el). He is ...
the Schuylkill River in Pennsylvania where Maniac's parents died the train trestle where the P&W Trolley had its famous ...