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Monday, September 29, 2014

Mr. Tucket Word Study #3

1. canyon- (n.)- a space between two or more mountains with steep sides.

2. magpies- (n.)- birds who are known for their sneakiness, savvy, and love of shiny things.

3. grouse- (n.) birds that live on the ground

4. cue- (n.) signal; sign

5. deafening- (adj.)- so loud it hurts your ears

6. bowlegged- (adj.) when the legs are curved; curvature of the legs from riding horses

7. Sioux- (n.)- a Native American tribe from the plains area of the United States. They followed the buffalo.

8. mite- (adj.)- a little bit; small amount

9. halfheartedly- (adv.)- to do something with no emotion or energy; in a lazy uncaring way

10. feinted- (v.) faked; to outwitted; sidestepped

Bonus: Lakota Sioux Nation

Swim America Fun