Nice always matters!!!!!...... STAR Students are Cam and Ms. Z!!!!!
School begins promptly at 8:30... Do not forget your mask!!!!!... DO not forget to join PTA!!!!!!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Word Study 1-22-13

Mom's Best Friend (Pg. 369-385 )
1. attachmenta feeling of closeness and affection
2. guide doga dog specially trained to lead visually impaired people
3. masterto become expert in a skill or art
4. obediencewillingness to follow orders
5. memorizeto learn by completely remembering
6. obstaclea thing that stands in the way
7. instinctan inner feeling or way of behaving that is automatic, not learned
8. maturefully grown or mentally developed
9.braillesystem of writing with raised dots, for people who are visually impaired
10. layoutthe way something is arranged

Swim America Fun