~Presidents Quiz on Friday!
~All Apes will participate in our Holiday Activities on Friday: Making gingerbread houses with kindergarten & Pajama Movie.
~Thursday's Pickle Swap, Renaldo's Stockings and Luncheon are rewards for those students who have reached the 18 Book Goal, and maintained at least a ten dollar balance in their Gibbo/Goody accounts.
~Thursday's Luncheon is for students only. Please do not send in any drinks or treats..... Mr. Gibbons and Mrs. Goodman have this covered already.
~Your child's homework every night is to read for 35 minutes, along with this is the responsibility of keeping track of the form. Signing the planner or sending in a note does not release any APE from being responsible for having the form signed. We are trying to teach responsibility and routines with this form.
~Word Study Test is Wednesday!
~Please send in stocking treats by Wednesday!