Nice always matters!!!!!...... STAR Students are Cam and Ms. Z!!!!!
School begins promptly at 8:30... Do not forget your mask!!!!!... DO not forget to join PTA!!!!!!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

What is wrong?

~Here is a short story for you to enjoy!

There was once a small family of mouses. They lived next door to a large family of deers and gooses. The childrens of the gooses did not get along with the childs of the deers or the mouses childs. The oxes that lived in the pasture of straberryes and blubberys decided to do something about the bad blood between all the animales. The head of the oxes marched his feets right over to the other animal familys and stomped his hoofs. None of the other animales came out. He made a sign that said WE MUST GET ALONG and posted it between two big bushs. A couple of the mouses came out and read the sign. They all had sad eyeses. They were ashamed of themselfs for treating other animales so badly. They decided to make peace with the deers and the gooses. They made 7 loafs of bread filled with bananaes and bluberrys. The sad part of the story is that the gooses and the mouses never got to enjoy the loafs of bred because the monkies and turkies stole the bread and shared it with the donkies. Storys like this make all boies and girles sad.

~All the Apes should be able to figure this story out!

Swim America Fun