Nice always matters!!!!!...... STAR Students are Cam and Ms. Z!!!!!
School begins promptly at 8:30... Do not forget your mask!!!!!... DO not forget to join PTA!!!!!!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Rest in Peace Mr. Grayson

~Sadly, one of our characters has passed away. Earl Grayson, the park attendant in Two Mills, PA has passed away. His life was a tough one, growing up with parents who didn't care, going to school where teachers didn't care, and spending almost 20 years in the minor leagues. He never made it to the big leagues, and his only claim to fame was striking out Willie Mays on his last day before he went on to become one of the greatest players of all time. In the last year of his life he found a kid who was homeless and close to death (Jeffrey Lionel "Maniac" Magee). He nursed him back to health and sort of became the father Maniac has longed to have. A few days after Christmas, hie first "real" Christmas, he passed away in his sleep.

~Maniac lost his parents at age 3 a famous trolley wreck, he then spent 8 years in a home full of hate (Aunt Dot and Uncle Dan). He ran away to become part of the Beale family, only to have to run from them to save them from harm that some on the east side of town wanted to cause him. He finally found true happiness when he found Earl Grayson. Now, Earl is dead. Maniac is giving up. He goes to Valley Forge in the middle of winter and finds a lonely cold cabin where he goes inside, and curls up in a corner to die. As death from the cold approaches, two little annoying urchins stumble upon him. Will they be enough to make him want to live? Read on to find out!
Piper and Russel

Hannah and Tiyah

these girls are disgusted by the McNab's house

I think Piper made them laugh

My TRUST crew

Swim America Fun