~Rest in Peace Gray John. Gray John has died of typhus in the Warsaw ghetto in the year 1942. Uri has been disappearing more and more from the Warsaw Ghetto which has become a very difficult place to survive. The food supply has been shut off, medicine is no longer allowed in, and the water is no longer running... not to mention the lice!
~We got right back into Milkweed and are loving it.
this is an actual boat used to smuggle Jews across the Kattegat ~How did the majority of Jews in Denmark escape to Sweden? The Jews were smu...
~We finally met the boy in the striped pajamas from The Boy in the Striped Pajamas . His name is Shmuel (pronounced shmoo-el). He is ...
Kim Malthe Bruun We finished Number the Stars today! Many student agreed it was the best novel they have ever read! This was out third ...