Wednesday, May 27, 2009
The Pickle is Back!
~Contrary to what most of us thought...Mrs. Pickle actually went to the National Pickle Square Dancing Contest in Lake Getchuapickle, in South Florida. I am happy to report that they left with the second place trophy and two hundred dillars.
~After the contest they flew first class on Vlasic Air to Chicago to see the Okra Winfrey Show. It was a bumpy flight. They had a blast...and even got to meet Okra and her friend Gail.

this is an actual boat used to smuggle Jews across the Kattegat ~How did the majority of Jews in Denmark escape to Sweden? The Jews were smu...
~We finally met the boy in the striped pajamas from The Boy in the Striped Pajamas . His name is Shmuel (pronounced shmoo-el). He is ...
the Schuylkill River in Pennsylvania where Maniac's parents died the train trestle where the P&W Trolley had its famous ...