~Don't forget Mrs. Whitelaw's birthday is tomorrow at 1:20!
~End of Month Luncheon is Friday at noon!
~Pack a lunch for next Thursday's field trip!
~Send in your money for Wild Adventures.... $40 per student, $40 for parents riding the bus, and $20 for parents driving! Are you an Ape parent that wants to chaperone but are low on cash? See Mr. Gibbons.
Nick is working on his Response to Literature. Sometimes a picture can say so much more than words.
Congrats to Ms.
Ramanan's and Mrs.
Costiloe's classes for winning a free pizza party from
Our newest classmates. The dark brown one is named Trish, the orange one is named Kim. This is just a coincidence for those of your from Room 4!
Free lunch for the
Cici's Gang!
Fresh bread! Mr. Gibbons made it! NOT!
JT shows us what the Romanian flag looks like!