~I was having a nice relaxing day working in the yard weed whacking, trimming, and running with the dogs. What a perfect day for a ride in the canoe on Lake Gibbo, I thought. I moved the canoe to put it in the water, and a local tough snake decided to pick a fight! I'm not one to endorse fighting but he kept coming at me! What was I to do? I won the fight! You will be glad to know he joined the food chain. As soon as I threw him in the lake to cool off and think about himself, a hawk swooped down for lunch. It was awesome to see! This a picture of him in the canoe.
~See Mrs. Peck's blog for more pictures of critters.
Anyone know what kind this is?
This is a picture of the snake I killed last year while camping...he measured two inches short of seven feet! A local said he was a Timber Rattler ! Ouch!
~Scroll to the bottom for a cool new game!