~We had a blast today making cards for Mrs. P! The cake was great and she opened EVERY card! We love ya Mrs. Janina Sophia Mamie Peck! Thanks for your help Ms. Karon, Mrs. Walker, and Mrs Wood!
No birthday is complete without PICKLES!
Valentine's Day
Valentine's Day
El Toro of Love
Guided and Partner Reading with Jim Ugly
Where did you get those glasses Robbie?
Guided and Partner Reading with Jim Ugly
Where did you get those glasses Robbie?
Art with Ms. Robinson
What a smile......
Doesn't it look like me Mr. G?
Reading Celebration
~Thank you to Mrs. Zimlich and Mrs. Wood for providing snacks for our Reading Celebration! Did you knwo that over 75% of the APes have already met their School goal of 25 Books? The Apes have a goal of 50 Books! Thanks to the PTA fopr providing the movie.