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Monday, December 15, 2008

Reports, Milkweed, and Bags!

~Scroll down to the bottom to watch the Apes Elves (Woody, Lauren, Josh, Rashod, and Karson) get their groove on!

~We are actually a little more than half way finished with our rough drafts of our World War I Reports. All rough drafts need to be finished by Thursday. Two students actually finished theirs. Yahoo! Jamie and Antoni read their rough drafts today to both classes to show other students what a finished rough draft looks and sounds like.

~We are well into Milkweed. Today we met Doctor Korczak (click on his name to learn more). Even though this novel is a work of historical fiction, Janusz Korczak was a real man who did run an orphanage in Warsaw in 1939. He was an incredible man as we will find out further on in the novel.

We also met Janina! Trust me, you will fall in love with her. Misha experienced first hand today the humiliation and dehumanizing of the Warsaw Jews. We laughed out loud when he tried to stop Janina's family from burning down the birthday cake. Food is still available to those who know how to steal it. Do these two look relaxed or what?
Reading outside on a nice Fall day.

Engaged in a good piece of literature.

We love this book!


Why are the Apes making gift bags? You'll have to wait until Christmas to find out! Smile Natalee!
Mrs. Whitelaw and Julian

Cristian Keke and Maurice

The camera is over here Chessa!

Octavia, Robbie, Kiet, Griffin, and Edwin hold up their bags.

Keke in another picture? Why is your bag on your head Lillian?

How does this girl show up in every picture?

Edwin's masterpiece

What a nice message on Grace's bag.

This lady holds up the bags. Does that make her a bag lady?

Swim America Fun