Nice always matters!!!!!...... STAR Students are Cam and Ms. Z!!!!!
School begins promptly at 8:30... Do not forget your mask!!!!!... DO not forget to join PTA!!!!!!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Have a great weekend!

Congratulations to Leanna, Natalee, and Antonio! They are the APE Star Students for December 5, 2008! They have all worked hard in class and display great behavior on a daily basis!

~We are almost finished with Number the Stars. Ask your child how the Danish people fooled the Nazis and the dogs aboard the boats that rescued the Jews of Denmark. It is really quite interesting.

~An extra Congratulations goes out to Kiet who was chosen as the Fifth Grade Star Student for the month! Kiet rocks!

~We also welcomed Clovis to Room 71 today. He will keep Lamont and Kiki company over the long weekend!


Thanks for the awesome decorations Lauren!

Jasmine was the high bidder on a jukebox replica at our auction!

Extended Day got a visit from the Count!

The Count gets mobbed!

~Spelling test Monday!
~The fifth grade teachers will be working at the new McDonalds on San Jose (the old Boston market) on the 16th from 6:00 - 7:00 p.m.

~Monday is the last day to purchase Candy Grams.

~Our Christmas Bash is on December 19th at 12:00 noon!

~You can send in stocking treats at any time between now and the 18th.

~Gingerbread House building will be on Wednesday December 17. You can send in the candy on that day. There will be a note coming home on Monday!

~Your child must be at 13 books by next Friday in order to attend Christmas festivities.

~Do not bring Ipods or PSP players to school, you are asking for trouble.

~Benchmark Testing will be Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. It is important that your child be at school on all testing days. Actually, it is important that your child be at school EVERY day.

Swim America Fun