~We will focus on the display board next week! Please bring your display board items to school on Tuesday and Wednesday. Do NOT stress out over this....it's easy!
~We are learning quite a lot about the Nazis rise to power and why the world stood by and did nothing.
~Check out the fortune cookie! It changed! Did you change it Mrs. Peck???????
~Any student submitting a Times Union holiday contest story must have it completed by next Friday the 15th! About twelve students stayed after school today to work on it......Mr. Gibbons will be available next Thursday from 3:30 - 5:00 to help any student in fifth grade with this project. You must come pick them up by 5:00.
To see the exact contest article click here:
Kayla and Octavia work on their engaging beginnings.
Maurice and Andy compare their engaging leads after school.
Matilda outbid everyone for her new animal hat!
Is that day old Chinese food?
What a beautiful smile!
Look Mom I won!
Griffin knows the answer in Writer's Workshop.