This week's spelling words are posted in the sidebar.
Get Well soon Dylan!
We learned a lot today about the plight of the Jews after Hitler and the Nazis took over in German, and then in Austria and Poland. We learned about the 3 steps in the persecution of the Jews of Europe. 1. Dehumanization 2. Isolation 3. Annihilation
We learned about a man named Janusz Korczak. Mr. Korczak was a famous author of children's books in Poland. He went on to become a medical doctor. He opened up an orphanage to care for the many homeless orphanage children of Warsaw, Poland. His orphanage was open to all children but mainly serviced Warsaw's homeless Jewish children. When the Jews were forced into the ghetto, he went with them, and opened a new orphanage inside the ghetto. Being a famous man, he was offered his freedom outside of the ghetto walls. Janusz refuse and continued to take care of the more than 200 orphans of the Warsaw ghetto. When the Jews of the ghetto were being loaded onto trains to be deported to the death camp Treblinka, he was offered his freedom. He refused and marched to the loading area with HIS orphans, and stayed with them until their death. Many rumors persisted over the years about how the train was sent elsewhere and the orphans survived. These rumors are not true. Janusz Korczak and the orphans were gassed at Treblinka death camp. What an incredible man. Click on his name to learn more.This was Mr. Korczak's most famous book.
This is the memorial to Janusz Korczak in Israel.
One of the the few existing pictures of Janusz with the a few of the"Korczak Orphans".
One of the "Korczak Orphans" who managed to be away when the orphans were rounded up, he survived the Holocaust.
Ashely and Chessa stop working on the ENERGY poster for a minute to pose for the cam.
The ladies are deciding which form of energy is which!
Room 71 WINNER!
Room 73 WINNER!
Rabbit Ears!