We had a blast playing Beat Ball against the other fifth grade classrooms. We won one game, and lost one. More importantly, we had a blast! Thank you very much to Coach Scott for organizing an awesome Play Day. In the words of Nathan Boyd, "It was the best Play Day ever!" Congratulation to Mrs. Yadon and Rowen's classes. Scroll down to see our class picture!
~Permission slips went home Wednesday for Universal Studios! All money must be turned in by April 28th. Cash or money order only, NO CHECKS. The cost of the trip is $54.00. If you paid your $10.00 deposit, the cost is $44.00. If your child has a Universal pass, the cost is $26.00 for the bus only. If a parent is chaperoning, the cost is the same as the student, unless you are driving! If you are not sure how much to send in, just send me an email or a note! If you are having difficulty coming up with the money, just let me know discretely and we will work something out to ensure that ALL students get to go on this trip! Any student who has not read his or her 25 books may not go. This will not be a problem as the students of room 71 have to read 40 books, and almost all of the students in room 71 have already read 25 books!
~Next Friday, the 18th, we will be having a picnic lunch. Please pack a lunch for next Friday!
~Special thanks to Mrs. Peck for helpiong out at Play Day! You rock MFP!
~Special thanks to Foster P., and Zena Weaver for leveling EVERY book in Room 71....and there are a lot of books in Room 71!
~Mr. Gibbons and Mrs. Peck are very proud of everyone in Room 71 for the incredible sportsmanship and teamwork they displayed during the Beat Ball tournament! You should be proud of your kids!
~We are looking forward to working with Ms. Harris on American Grandstand.