Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Sunday, April 27, 2008
Thursday, April 24, 2008

May 1 is Holocaust Remembrance Day. Mr. Gibbons, Mrs. Peck, and Mrs. Hartless will be attending ceremonies at the JCA (Jewish Community Alliance) on San Jose Boulevard on May 1st at 7:30. All children from the Gibbons/Peck/Whitelaw and Hartless/HollawayReading classes are invited to attend. You may drop your children off at 7:30 or attend with them. Local rabbis will speak as well as concentration camp survivors. The event will last about an hour.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008
There will be a quiz on Thursday!
Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Mrs. Watson poses at the Beauclerc display
*All Universal money is due this Friday the 25th!
*End of Month Luncheon is this Friday the 25th at 11:30.
*Any child exhibiting poor behavior over the next 5 weeks, may be required to have an adult present on the Universal trip. If an adult cannot attend, your child's money will be refunded. This trip is a reward for fifth graders who behave and take care of their responsibilities. Being disrespectful to ANY adult is not good behavior, nor is it taking care of responsibilities!
*Spelling test is on April 28th.
*Your child is still required to get his or her Read & Respond form signed nightly. If it is not signed, your child will stay in from recess and do his or her thirty minutes of reading with Mr. Gibbons or Mrs. Peck. The form is the responsibility of the STUDENT, not the parent.
*If you have not attended an End of Month Luncheon this year, please try to attend on April 25th or May 30th!
*Please sign and return all forms for the dance! (there is no charge)
*Send in $20 if you would like a school yearbook!
*Safety Patrol chicken dinners are on Thursday evening...don't forget!
~Foster, Nathan, and Zena for leveling books after school!
~Maniaha Keller for showing up to Skate Station!
Monday, April 14, 2008
Congratulations Mrs. Watson
ointment (n.)
boneshaker (n.)
sinister (adjective)
frothy (adjective)
forlorn (adjective)
extravagant (adjective)
enunciating (verb)
chauffeur (n.)
flat (n.)
contradict (verb)
criticized (verb)
peckish (adjective)
Bonus: hysterically (adverb)

STAR Student 4-11-08
Congratulations again go out to Mrs. Alison Watson who was a finalsit for Duval COunty Teacher of the Year! Mrs. Watson was represented by over 100 friends, co-workers, and family memebers at the Eddy Awards. She was dressed to the nines, and her students stole the show as the highlight of the evening. Beauclerc is so proud of you Mrs. Watson!
END OF MONTH LUNCHEON IS APRIL 25TH! Come join us for lunch and find out what is going on in Room 71!
Thursday, April 10, 2008
PLAY DAY 2008!
~Permission slips went home Wednesday for Universal Studios! All money must be turned in by April 28th. Cash or money order only, NO CHECKS. The cost of the trip is $54.00. If you paid your $10.00 deposit, the cost is $44.00. If your child has a Universal pass, the cost is $26.00 for the bus only. If a parent is chaperoning, the cost is the same as the student, unless you are driving! If you are not sure how much to send in, just send me an email or a note! If you are having difficulty coming up with the money, just let me know discretely and we will work something out to ensure that ALL students get to go on this trip! Any student who has not read his or her 25 books may not go. This will not be a problem as the students of room 71 have to read 40 books, and almost all of the students in room 71 have already read 25 books!
Monday, April 7, 2008
The last 9 Weeks has begun!
Wednesday is Play Day. Please wear shorts, and bring something to drink!
Your child must also have some sunglasses for our class picture!
this is an actual boat used to smuggle Jews across the Kattegat ~How did the majority of Jews in Denmark escape to Sweden? The Jews were smu...
~We finally met the boy in the striped pajamas from The Boy in the Striped Pajamas . His name is Shmuel (pronounced shmoo-el). He is ...
the Schuylkill River in Pennsylvania where Maniac's parents died the train trestle where the P&W Trolley had its famous ...