~We finished Maniac Magee. What an awesome novel! We related this to our own Bill of Rights, and the UDHR. We saw how society failed this young man and did not live up to the ideals of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. In the end, the society he lived in lived up to the ideal of the UDHR and Maniac finds a family and a safe place to live.
~We will be wearing UNICEF fit bits at school! Every step we take will go towards feeding starving kids in poor countries. Big thanks to the Povloskis! They donated the fit bits needed to accomplish this awesome community service project! U.N.I.C.E.F. (United Nations Children's Fund) is an organization dedicated to feeding hungry children all over the world! It is an organization run by the United Nations, the same organization that created the U.D.H.R.
~What is a pillbox? What are the McNabs afraid of? What smelled worse than the dog poo all over the floor? Meet the McNabs and you will discover what sinks worse than any garbage!
~Congratulations to Matthew and Ethan! They are this week's STAR Students! They both worked hard, read all their book, and got along with their classmates!