~We are almost at 100% for PTA Membership....please please please send in your $5.
~Please do not drop your kids off on the street....... pull into the Car Pool Lane, and set a good example for your child and other parents.
~Open House is Tuesday at 6:30. Orientation was for you and your kids, Open House is for parents.
~We are already half way through our first novel... Penn, Crash, and Mike are hilarious.
~Homework for Wednesday & Thursday is to read Eye of the Storm.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
This Week's Word Study :
funnel cloud
Bonus: North America
funnel cloud
Bonus: North America
Monday, August 29, 2011
~We took our first word study test today! the results were pretty good! Your child knows his or her score...ASK THEM! I cannot sent the results home until the county gets our online grade book set up. We also took our selection test on Earthquake Terror last Friday...the results were awesome! Everyone passed! back to Jerry Spinelli and Crash tomorrow! It seems this year's APES love Crash more than other years!

Friday, August 26, 2011

~PTA membership envelopes went home today. Please send in $5 to help our class be the first to reach 100%! We get some free pizza for our class...and you help support an organization that does so much for our school! From vision screening to the Carnival to teacher Appreciation Week to helping out fifth graders who cannot afford the End of Year trip to drinks and treats on Play Day. This is just a short list of the hundreds of things they do at Beauclerc! Send in your $5 as soon as possible!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Crash by Jerry Spinelli
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Earthquakes and Tsunamis Connection:
~We talked about earthquakes and tsunamis today during our Word Study.... Sure enough, there was an earthquake in Virginia today that was felt all over the east coast. Above is a video of the Japanese tsunami of last year. Tsunamis are caused by earthquakes that occur under the ocean floor.
This Week's Word Study
Earthquake Terror:
Bonus: Quaker
Bonus: Quaker
Our First Day!
~Tuesday, we start our first novel together, Crash by Jerry Spinelli. We will be reading 3-4 novels this yer by Jerry Spinelli. This will be our author study.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Friday, August 19, 2011
Welcome to Rooms 71 & 73!
~It was awesome meeting you all today and seeing how excited you are to be a Gibbons or Goodman Ape. Yes... that is our class mascot... THE APE!
~A quick note about the folders you took home......
*Make sure you sign the releases giving permission to use the Internet and to be photographed as well as the Code of Conduct form.
*PTA membership envelopes will go home next week.

~Supply list for Rooms 71 & 73:
* 1 pack of wide rules paper
* 2 composition books
* 6-10 pencils
(keep trapper keepers, binders, portfolios, crayons, etc. at home)
~Get a good night of sleep and get ready for the adventure of a lifetime with the Apes!
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Classroom Supplies
~Hopefully, you have received a postcard in the mail telling you that you are in Mr. Gibbons's class or in Mrs. Goodman's class! Over the last few days, we have met a couple of you and are excited to get started on our adventure Monday!
~We look forward to meeting you all on Friday the 19th at 2:00. This is the time for Fifth Grade Orientation. The purpose of Orientation is to meet your teacher and get familiar with your classroom. We will be discussing Room 71 & 73 Guidelines and Expectations at Open House on September 6, 2011.
~What do you need for your first day of school? 2 composition books (any color) like the one shown below, 1 pack of wide ruled paper, and about 10 pencils. That is it!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011
We are almost there!
~If you are reading this, you probably got a postcard in the mail saying that you are in either Mr. Gibbons class or in Mrs. Goodman's class! We have been working hard to get Rooms 71 & 73 ready for the Apes! Get ready for an awesome year in which you will read at least 60 books, learn new ways to think about math, and have a BLAST!
Mr. Gibbons & Mrs. Goodman
Mrs. Peck and Mrs Gaspard joined us for lunch
your desks are ready
they just like to be in a lot of pictures
this is where we meet for every lesson
this is where Mr. G usually reads and teaches
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Back at Beauclerc!
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this is an actual boat used to smuggle Jews across the Kattegat ~How did the majority of Jews in Denmark escape to Sweden? The Jews were smu...
~We finally met the boy in the striped pajamas from The Boy in the Striped Pajamas . His name is Shmuel (pronounced shmoo-el). He is ...
the Schuylkill River in Pennsylvania where Maniac's parents died the train trestle where the P&W Trolley had its famous ...