~Thanks to all the parents who came out for our End of Month Luncheon! We had more pizza than we could eat! We worked hard in January, and those who met their reading goal of 17 books were rewarded! The goal for February is 21 Books!
Friday, January 28, 2011
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Second Annual Fun Run
Reading Celebration Day
~Today was reading Celebration Day for those students who have read their 17 books! Thanks to the PTA and Mrs. Hartley for setting this up! It was awesome!
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Box Top Champions!
~Thanks to everyone for sending in the soup labels and box tops. The Apes of Room 71 won! Every student received a gift certificate for a free kids meal at Red Elephant! We also earned a way cool trophy and cookies on Friday!
Happy International Ian Day
Monday, January 24, 2011
James Forten
~Who was James Forten? Click here to learn a little bit about the man we are learning about!

This week's word study!
The new word study list is on the right side of the blog! The words that have a star (*) next to them are the ones that will be used for meaningful sentences.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
The Real "House" at Aushcwitz
~In the Boy in the Striped Pajamas, Bruno and his family have moved into a new home that is not nearly as big or as glamorous as his old house in Berlin. The new house is at a place called Outwith. We learned in class that it is actually Auschwitz, the death/labor camp. Event though our book is a work of fiction, Auschwitz was a real place. This is a picture of the REAL Commandant's house at Auschwitz. Her really lived here. In real life, he did not have a son named Bruno.

Gibbons's in Saint Augustine
~Had some fun in St. Augustine on Saturday. My older brother Joe and his wife came down for a visit. They were expecting warm weather....haha. It was good to see family and spend a day in one of Florida's most interesting cities.
the oldest school house in America
St. George Street
warming up in the sun outside Castillo de San Marcos
We ate dinner here
Friday, January 21, 2011
Friday Friday Friday
~It was kind of boring today with no students. Check out the new puzzle below!
~You guys are moving through Striped Pajamas faster than any class has ever moved through it! Mr. G likes the striped cover more than the movie cover! Maggie May and Natavia are doing an awesome job as Gretel....... and Connor, Gaveen, and Willie Mo are awesome as Bruno!
Thursday, January 20, 2011
New Safety Patrols!
Bruno is in Auschwitz
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
The Boy in the Striped Pajamas!
~We just finished Milkweed........and there is no time to waste! We started The Boy in the Striped Pajamas today! It is the story of a naive German boy, Bruno, who is moving because of his fathers job to a strange town that is desolate and gives him a not so good feeling. We can't tell you anything more..... you'll have to wait to find out what happens to Bruno and his family.
Bryce, Natavia, Gretel, and Hannah G
Star Students!
~There will be no STAR Student this week due to the short week. Our goal with STAR Student is to hopefully celebrate every student and their accomplishments at least once during the year. We have chosen 12 STAR Students from each class so far this year and we hope to get to every student between January and June. If your child has not been chosen for STAR Student, please be patient. We each have 20 students and it is not possible to celebrate all those who deserve it every week.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Warsaw Ghetto Uprising
~Today, we also learned a little more about the Uprising in the Warsaw Ghetto. The Uprising was led by Mordecai Anielewicz. He died in the fighting, but it was considered a miracle that a few thousand Jews could do what many armies in Europe had been able to do, fight off the Germans for over a month. Mordecai is a true hero. He was roughly 23 years old at his death. Below is one of the last photos taken of Mordecai before he was murdered by the Nazis. To read more on Mordecai click HERE.

Misha survived!
~We finished Milkweed by Jerry Spinelli today! We discovered that Uri died in the ghetto Uprising of 1943, and Janina did indeed go to the ovens at Treblinka. Uri had been secretly working with the Jewish Resistance. Misha survived on the streets of Poland for a few years, and then made it to America. He married after a few years here, but it did not last due to his problems created by what he had lived through. He lived for many years on the streets of Philadelphia. He was the man who appeared to be talking nonsense at all times, and acting crazy. He just wanted someone to listen to him. After many years on the streets as a homeless man, two old ladies who were also survivors finally listened. They told him it was OK, it was over. A few years later, the daughter he never knew about, Katherine, found him in Philadelphia. She gave him the opportunity to give his grandchild Wendy a middle name. He did not hesitate..... her middle name would be Janina.
~The bread ladies named him Stopthief
~Uri named him Misha
~The orphans named him Stupid
~The Germans named him Filthy Son of Abraham, Dirty Gypsy, and Jew Pig
~The Milgroms gave him a last name
~The man at Immigration named him Jack
~The people on the streets of America named him Crazy
~Wendy Janina named him Poppy..... or Poppynoodle and she is the one to tell him who he really is..... a human being who loves her. To Misha, Wendy is Janina.
I hope you all have enjoyed this book as much as Mrs. Peck and I have!
Blast from the Past!
Monday, January 17, 2011
Stories for a Rainy Day
Click HERE to listen to some great short stories and listen to a famous person read the text. I especially liked Enemy Pie, Sophie's Masterpiece, and The Polar Express. Click on the story you want, then click Let's Read It!
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Polish Ghettos
~Last week, a student asked about other ghettos in Warsaw. Here is a map of Poland which shows the major ghettos of Poland during the Holocaust. Warsaw, Lodz, Krakow, and Lublin were the largest of the Polish ghettos. Warsaw was the largest ghetto. Milkweed was set in the Warsaw Ghetto. Most of the ghettos on this map were set up near railroad stations, just as the Warsaw Ghetto was set up near Stawki Station.
~The Jews of Warsaw wore the white armband with the blue star, while all others wore the yellow Star of David.
~Ghettos were set up in almost every country that the Germans invaded in WWII. They were used as staging points to send the Jews to their death in places like Treblinka, Chelmo, Sobibor, Auschwitz, and Majdanek. They were never meant to be permanent.

Friday, January 14, 2011
Milkweed Connections
~Right now we are reading about the Jews being forced onto the trains headed for Treblinka in Milkweed. Below are some actual pictures taken from the real Stawki Station in Warsaw.

note the Jewish police on the left (the Flops in Milkweed)

Jews being loaded on trains at Stawki Station
Jews at Stawki Station waiting for the next train (you can see the ghetto wall in back of picture)
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this is an actual boat used to smuggle Jews across the Kattegat ~How did the majority of Jews in Denmark escape to Sweden? The Jews were smu...
~We finally met the boy in the striped pajamas from The Boy in the Striped Pajamas . His name is Shmuel (pronounced shmoo-el). He is ...
the Schuylkill River in Pennsylvania where Maniac's parents died the train trestle where the P&W Trolley had its famous ...