Poor Bruno~Bruno has been spending a lot of time with
Shmuel lately. They actually reached through the fence and shook hands! I think this is a sign that Bruno truly is a good person. Despite everything he has heard about Jews from his father, sister, and other propaganda, he still believes they are just like him. Human beings. After contacting lice, his father shaves all his hair off, and Bruno is amazed how much he looks like
Shmuel now. The good thing to come out of it is that Mother is going to get her way...according to the title of the next chapter.
Hmmmmmm, I wonder what that means?

This is what head lice look like close up.
Interesting lice facts:~One lice is called a louse.
~A louse can actually make a person feel sick, and that is where we get the term "feeling lousy".
~About 12 million people in the U.S. get head lice every year.
~Head lice have nothing to do with being clean or dirty.
~A louse can survive under water for 24 hours.
~Lice like dirty hair as well as clean hair. They don't care.
~Head lice cannot jump to another person.
~Dogs and cats cannot get lice.
REMEDIES~Back in the old days when a child got head lice it was
considered acceptable to pour kerosene
on the
child's head over a sink. DO NOT TRY THIS! It's not fun....trust me I know....and it is dangerous.
~You can spend over $20 on pricey shampoos that usually do not work.
~Many people will agree that
soaking your hair in Listerine Mint
Mouthwash under a shower cap, rinsing, and then soaking the hair in white vinegar for two hours under a shower cap seems to be one of the safest, cheapest, and most effective ways to kill lice.
LICE POEMS:Just One Lice Is a Louse
I don't think lice
are very nice.
They check in with their nits
like your head is the Ritz.
They come by the dozens
and bring all their cousins.
They make your scalp itch
'til you scream like a witch.
Every hair is a slide
where they can crawl down and hide.
The nits cling to your roots
like mud clings to your boots.
Send in the Comb
set to the tune"Send in the Clowns" by Stephen Sondheim
Doesn't it itch?
I see a pair.
Me here at last having found Lice in my hair -
Send in the comb.
This is so strange.
I don't approve.
Even when sitting quite still,I feel something move.
I really need help.
Please send in the comb.
Just when I'd stopped
scratching my head,
Thinking that all of the vermin around me were dead,
Sitting alone in my room,
ran the comb through my hair;
Stopped in dismay...
Guess what was there?
Why do you scratch?
My fault I fear...
I think that you've got what I've got -
Sorry my dear.