Field Trip
Room 71 and 73 are going on a field trip February 6th. We are going to the Nature Trails at UNF. The cost of the trip is $9.oo. This includes the field experience and the bus ride. permission slips will be going home on Monday. Please send cash only. If the fee is a problem and cannot be paid by Friday, please contact Mr. Gibbons, Mrs. Peck, or Mrs. Whitelaw and we will figure something out. Please bring a bag lunch. We will have a blast!
One scene from the trails at UNF
Star Students
Andrew and Jaliyah are the Star Students for January 23, 2009
~We officially finished Milkweed today. At the end of the novel we finally realized that the whole story was Misha ranting from a street corner in Philadelphia. He was a damaged man who just needed someone to listen. Two old women who were survivors finally comforted him and told him he could stop and that he would be OK.
~Janina did not survive, as Kuba, Henryk, Enos, Ferdi, Uri, and Olek also did not survive. Misha tried to go to the "ovens" and join his "family", but was unable to get there due to the kindness of Polish strangers who hid him.
~In the end, Misha found his true family that he did not even know he had. He named his granddaughter Janina and was able to relieve himself of some of the pain that he carried due to the Holocaust.
~In the words of Trenton, "I give it a 15 on a scale of 1-10".
~Mrs. Peck and I are glad we experienced Milkweed with you, and hope that you share it with others.

The Best Misha! Eb needed some

finished! Is Andrew still crying?

finished Milkweed! Now we can eat Uri's favorite food with a twist....
Kool Aid

Derek wanted to eat his NOW!

Mrs. Ross stopped by to experience the cherry pickle

Sofferin wants the recipe

"They are actually good Mr. G."

What a combo!

Mrs. Pickle and the
PicklettesExtended Day Fun with Mrs. Runyon