~Thanks for all the cards and gifts during Teacher Appreciation Week.
~PTA put on the best ever Teacher Luncheon...it was awesome!
~Special thanks to Mrs. Shaaber for coordinating the dance for the fifth grade, it was a blast! You looked great in the balloon outfit Mrs. Peck!
~Special thanks to Mrs. Gaspard for staying until almost 10:00 p.m. to make sure every student got home! You rock Mrs. G.
~Everyone has paid for Universal Studios! I am proud of everyone in Room 71 for getting their money in on time. We rock! Now, if you time it right you will be able to see Mrs. Peck and Mrs. Whitelaw ride the Hulk like they did last year....it wasn't pretty!
~We are enjoying our current novel, The Great Gilly Hopkins by Katherine Patterson. It is the story of a foster child who is angry at the world and is in search of the mother she has never known. We are using this novel to practice the strategy of synthesis (putting all the pieces together). Gilly is angry and has a mouth most motehrs would not be proud of..... Mrs. peck gets to read these parts! It is so unlike her, but we get a kick out of it.