~A very special thank you goes out to Joan Patterson, our intern who spent a few weeks with us. Joan jumped right in and helped out, and it is obvious she will be an awesome teacher very soon! What was most impressive was that she was willing to play baseball with us, and work one on one with some students! Mrs. Patterson also came back to help out with our End of Month Luncheon after her hours were completed...the sign of a dedicated teacher. Thanks Joan!
Joan Patterson and Serin Jordan...what a smile!
~We had an awesome few days before FCAT! We learned a new and strange song called the Gibbo Song!
Simile, simile
She looks like a bumblebee
Metaphor, metaphor
She's a sweetheart, she's a door
Hyperbole, hyperbole
A million times, she told me
Alliteration, Alliteration
Harry hears the hateration
Sensory, sensory
Sweaty, bumpy, cold, salty, hairy
We added instruments and even had a background dancer. Abrianna is quite the sport. We performed for a fifth grade class, a fourth grade class, a first grade class, and a kindergarten class!
Darius, Marcus, Ramcher, and John were quite the backup band!

The Manisha Keller Trio poses for the pooparazzi
~Please be on time every day for the next two weeks. If you arrive late to school, you will be in a classroom until 11:30 waiting for us to finish. Eat a good breakfast.
~Monday is FCAP day!
~There is no End of Month Luncheon in March due to FCAT, and Spring Break. April's Luncheon will be April 25th. If you have not made it to a luncheon yet, please try to make the April Luncheon.
~Happy Saint Patrick's Day! Do you know why this holiday was originally celebrated in Ireland? Ask you child, they know!
~Please bring a drink (water, soda or juice), or a cup for water every day this week as we will be having extended recess during FCAT!
~Your child is ready for FCAT! I have been teaching eighteen years, and I can honestly say I have never had a group as ready as this one. There will be nothing on the test that is new to them! If your child is stressing over FCAT, please remind them that Mrs. Peck and Mr. Gibbo have taught them everything they need to know, not only that, we have spent a week reviewing it! We are so ready!!!!!!!!!!!

When asked if he was ready for FCAT, Richard (Romeo) gave the thumbs up!